Cory Fleming Wife, Bio, Age, Wiki, Married, Kids, Net Worth, Salary

In the aftermath of the shocking revelations surrounding the once-respected lawyer, Cory Fleming, and his entanglement in a web of deceit, fraud, and legal misconduct, the story serves as a cautionary tale with valuable lessons for readers. This article delves into the life of Cory Fleming, exploring his family, education, career, and the series of events that led to his downfall.

Early Life, Family, Education

Cory Fleming’s personal life unfolds as a complex tapestry of relationships and challenges. Despite the turbulence in his professional life, Cory has been married to Jennifer Fleming for over 25 years, with two adult children now in their twenties.

Jennifer’s dedication to public service as a Public Defender adds a layer of contrast to Cory’s legal troubles, emphasizing the impact of personal choices on both personal and professional spheres.

Cory Fleming’s journey from a financially struggling background to obtaining a law degree is a testament to resilience. Born in 1969 in Columbia, Cory faced adversity early on, with his parents divorcing when he was just twelve.

His educational pursuits took him through the University of South Carolina, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Finance in 1990 and later graduated with a law degree in 1994.

The connection formed during his college years with Alex Murdaugh, later a close friend, adds a human touch to his otherwise tumultuous story.

Career, Salary, and Net Worth:

Cory’s professional trajectory started promisingly as an Assistant Solicitor in the Fourteenth Circuit Solicitor’s Office. However, the narrative takes a dark turn as he faces allegations of financial fraud and ethical violations. Exploring the highs and lows of his career, including his private practice and subsequent suspension from the South Carolina Bar in 2021, sheds light on the consequences of ethical lapses in the legal profession.


The climax of Cory Fleming’s downfall lies in the case of fraud involving the tragic death of Gloria Satterfield. The article details the shocking events that led to Cory’s arrest, indictment, and subsequent sentencing to three years and 10 months in federal prison. The state-level charges further deepen the narrative, as Cory pleads guilty and receives a 20-year sentence, illustrating the severe consequences of betraying the trust placed in legal professionals.


Cory Fleming’s story serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of trust and the potential consequences of unethical behavior in the legal profession.

Readers are encouraged to reflect on the importance of integrity, accountability, and the far-reaching impact of personal choices on both professional and personal aspects of life.

Ultimately, this cautionary tale prompts a collective examination of the ethical standards that should underpin the legal profession, emphasizing the need for continuous vigilance in upholding the values that define a trustworthy legal system.

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